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shall we start ?!

Colored pencils

A little about me ....

I'm Meirav Raichel,  42 years old from Kibbutz Sarid, married and mother of three lovely sons. My hobbies are all related to beauty and aesthetics,  And to my delight, my work as well.
I have over 10 years of experience in the industry, as an employee in advertising agencies and as a freelancer.

Professionalism in this field,  In my opinion,  Expressed in thoroughness and accuracy,  responsibility,  flexibility,  Adherence to schedules and of course creativity and innovation.

I believe in patient service and working with the customer. and most importantly,  My flexibility allows me to accompany my clients from the beginning - from the concept stage, through the entire process to the final product Or alternatively give a spot answer as needed.
I specialize in web design and as such make sure to keep up to date with new trends and technologies.

Additional Services: Image Building |  Branding | Logo and Advertising Prospectuses and Orders Download for printing and supervision

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